The Kihon is a list of basic moves executed in a specific order and stance. This list was created by Mas Oyama and it is said that these basic moves should be executed 100 times each day in order to master them.
Learning and practicing the kihon is one of the task that any beginners in kyokushin should accomplish. When you do these moves and attacks, practice them with strengh and force and after doing a technique six time try pushing yourself harder using your Kiai for all the following repetitions.
Stance : Migi sanchin dachi
- Seiken chudan tsuki
- Seiken jodan tsuki
- Uraken shomen uchi
- Uraken sayu uchi
- Uraken hizo uchi
- Uraken mawashi uchi uke
- Seiken ago uchi
- Uraken shita tsuki
- Hiji jodan ate
- Hiji ushiro
- Hiji oroshi
- Hiji ago uchi
- Jodan uke
- Chudan soto uke
- Chudan uchi uke
- Gedan Barai
- Chudan uchi uke gedan barai
- Shuto gammen uchi
- Shuto sakotsu uchi
- Shuto sakotsu uchi komi
- Shuto uchi uchi
- Shuto hizo uchi
- Mae keage
- Uchi mawashi geri
- Soto mawashi geri
- Hiza geri
- Kin geri
- Mae geri
- Sokuto yoko keage
- Sokuto yoko geri
- Sokuto kansetsu geri
- Ushiro geri
- Mawashi geri
- Enkei gyaku tsuki
- Renkaku (while moving forward : mae geri, yoko geri, ushiro geri, chudan uchi uke, chudan gyaku tsuki)